migration rate

美 [maɪˈɡreɪʃn reɪt]英 [maɪˈɡreɪʃn reɪt]
  • 迁移率;移民率;迁移比率
migration ratemigration rate
  1. The average migration rate under the experimental conditions was measured .


  2. Microscopic physical experiment on gas migration rate in sandstone model and similarity analysis


  3. Interfacial polarization resistance of sodium ions involved in the migration rate .


  4. Infiltration does not influence 85 Sr migration rate and transverse diffusion significantly ;


  5. Analysis of migration rate models for biogeography-based optimization


  6. We found that migration rate decreased as demes grew older .


  7. The relative migration rate of LDH isozymes is 0.50 ;


  8. Talc reduced the PLA film plasticizer migration rate , improved weight loss temperature of the films .


  9. Study on Migration Rate of ~ 3H and ~ ( 237 ) Np ( V ) in Soil Column


  10. In the same structural model , hydrocarbon migration rate within interim opening fractures is faster than that of permanent ones .


  11. The distribution of migration rate among demes in different ages is consistent under different mutation rates for migration and migration costs .


  12. At the same time , the experiments also showed that the foreground application throughput could improve 10 % - 40 % by controlling the data migration rate .


  13. Migration rate of CMEC in aged mice was significantly increased after stimulation by PDGF-AB ( P < 0.01 ) .


  14. The migration rate of new grains continuously decreased , many of them even stopped growing at a certain size and remained unchanged during long annealing time .


  15. The extent of Y chromosome differentiation was much larger than that of mtDNA , supporting a higher migration rate of female than male in East Asia .


  16. Constant cell morphological deformation , unstable adhesion , increased migration rate and frequently changed migration direction are the characteristics of the invasion and metastasis of tumor cells in culture .


  17. The Sr2 + migration rate was the lowest in zeolite column , higher in 4A zeolite column and the highest in attapulgite column .


  18. The migration rate in SDS ─ PAGE is slightly faster in the existence of Ca  ̄( 2 + ) than in the existence of EGTA .


  19. By detecting the relationship between ion migration rate and electric field and measuring the reproducibility of ion mobility spectrometry , the performance of the main structure of IMS was verified .


  20. The surname abundance a and the migration rate parameter v in the Song dynasty in 16 provincial regions reflected degrees of migration and admixture at that time .


  21. This research made a deep study of the characteristics of thermal state in sintering process directing at the change of thickness distribution of each zone and migration rate , considering the result of mechanism model .


  22. Fluctuation in migration rate or in migrant gene frequencies of seed and pollen grain is also an important factor influencing population genetic structure , perhaps as important as the absolute value of migration rate .


  23. After brain ischemia , the tight junctions of BBB are disrupted , transcytosis vesicles are increased , and leukocytes adherence and migration rate is enhanced .


  24. It is shown that on certain assumptions , the previous coalescence theories can be applied to plant by appropriate reparametrization of the effective population size and migration rate specific to each genome .


  25. Between the different female population , the migration rate of the unmarried is obvious higher than married , in addition , the level of education , the ethnic composition as well as other factors also have certain influence to the migration rate .


  26. This suggests that , in future theoretical and experimental studies , there is the potential need for measuring these values ( migration rate , within-deme inbreeding depression , genetic load etc. ) in demes of different ages .


  27. Compared with the agarose gel electrophoresis of standard glycosaminoglycan , such as heparin , hyaluronic acid and chondroitin 6-sulfate , it indicated that the relative migration rate of the fraction was close to that of heparin .


  28. After HeLa cells were treated with 50 μ g / ml Matrine for 24 h , the migration rate was markedly reduced ( P < 0.01 ), PKA activity also was significantly reduced ( P < 0.01 ) and VASP showed no phosphorylation state .


  29. Ideal bed temperature is solved out by the program of implicit difference method . The thickness of each zone and migration rate are also figured out and their thermal state characteristics are analyzed , Non-contact infrared temperature scanner is used in the side-plate vertical temperature measurement of pallet .


  30. It is found that the migration rate , the probability of occurence and the deposition characteristics of sodium in the β - Al_2O_3 ceramics are significantly affected by the microstructure of the material and the electro-chemical process of the sodium migration and accumulation besides the electrical field .
